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Bizly Risk Reports

  • Bizly Reports show more detail on any major issues affecting a business's Bizly Score.

  • Reports also include suggested actions for dealing with any highlighted issues.

  • Register now and get a complimentary report — whether on your own business or another you choose. Additional reports are just $2.95 each.

Bizly Risk Reports are a tool for anyone who has seen a Bizly Score and wants to understand if there are any major issues that have led to the business's Bizly score. Where there are any issues highlighted we provide suggested actions in the report.

Note that, because we think you should be able to see what others are seeing about you, we give you one free report (and one free monitoring credit) that you can use to report on and monitor your own business (or any other business you'd prefer).

Learn More About Bizly Risk Reports

How Do I Purchase a Bizly Report?

What is included in a Bizly Risk Report?

How Much Do Bizly Risk Reports Cost?

How are Bizly Reports Different to a Traditional Business Credit Report?

How Do I Purchase a Report?

You can purchase a report by searching for a business in any of the search forms across the Bizly website (including at the top of this page) then clicking on the "Buy Report" button.

What is included in a Bizly Risk Report?

Bizly Risk Reports give you more information about major factors that might affect a business's Risk Score. Rather than just highlighting problems, Risk Reports also show you if there if there are no historic or current issues related to that factor.

There are 4 separate sections in each report:

Company Risks These only apply where the entity is a company. If it's not a company (e.g. a registered business or partnership) then these will return N/A as result
Enquiries, Court Actions and Defaults These apply to all entities and have to do with the business's interactions with others
Other Risks Other Risks are focused on predictions of future issues with the business the report is about.
Suggested Actions Suggested actions for any issues identified in the report.

Next to each risk there will be an icon or coloured circle highlighting whether or not that risk has occurred for the business and, if so, how critical a risk it is.

The below table outlines what the various icons and coloured circles mean. Note that where there is a risk present the report will also have suggested actions for how to deal with that risk.

Symbol Meaning

Critical Risk

Moderate Risk

No Known Risk / Low Risk
Potential Risk - There is incomplete data preventing us from being able to say if a risk is high or low.
From time to time, especially for smaller and/or newer businesses we aren't able to collect comprehensive risk data for an entity. As such, it's not possible for us to determine the risk, whether positive or negative, for some items.

How Much do Bizly Reports Cost?

Bizly Reports costs $2.95. This is in comparison to traditional credit reports that cost between $35-50.

In addition, and because we think you should be able to see what others are seeing about you, we give you a free report when you register that you you can use to get details on your own business (or any other business you prefer).

How are Bizly Reports Different to a Traditional Business Credit Report?

Commercial credit reports include information, some of it quite old, that leads to the bureaus prediction of the likelihood of an "adverse event" in the next 12 months. An adverse event is something going wrong, like a director issue, business failure or late payment. These reports, like commercial credit scores, were originally built for large lenders and because they were originally built for lenders they also include legal information which is quite expensive to obtain. This pushes the price of a traditional, basic, business credit report anywhere up to ~$50. You can get more detailed reports for much more than that too.

For most businesses that's simply not needed. You have the free Bizly Risk Score and now you want to dig into that score a bit to see if the business you're running a report on is having or has had any important issues that would make you reconsider doing business with them. That's when a Bizly Report is perfect.

To be clear, the fields we include in Bizly Reports contain the same data you get for the same fields inside a traditional business credit report. The difference is you can get Bizly Reports on 10-15 businesses for the same price as one traditional credit report.



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